Description of what a Premium subscription contains and the reason why we have paid content.
Offline maps
For Premium subscribers, all map tiles which is downloaded during normal use (panning and zooming) is stored locally and will be available when one is in areas without mobile coverage. You will also save mobile data this way.
You can also download maps for a specified area. The app then downloads maps for a given number of zoom levels. For Android, the app continues to download maps for the area even if you close the app. For iOS, one has to wait until the download is complete. In the long run, we will implement download in the background also for iOS.
Read more about downloading maps here
Extra map layers
Premium subscribers gains access to extra map layers:
- Activities (bathing etc)
- Anchorages
- Depths sea
- Depths lakes
- Facilities
- Open air routes
- Cultural heritage
- Clay
- Conservation area
- Radon awareness
- Pistes
- Snowmobile routes
- Avalanche awareness
- Avalanche steepness
- Government secured outdoor areas
- Weakened ice
- Mountain bike routes
- Outports
- Fresh snow last day
- Skiing conditions
- Snow depth
Trip suggestions from
Premium subscribers have access to trip suggestions from This is a Norwegian tour portal that Friluftsrådenes Landsforbund and Statskog are behind. You can see more here
Cloud storage and synchronisation
Premium subscribers, who has logged in, may upload their POIs, routes and GPS recordings to our server. In order to upload your data, you first choose in the menu and selects “Upload objects to server”. The progression is then displayed in a dialog.
In order to download previously uploaded data to one of your devices, you choose in the menu before selecting “Download objects from server”. The progression is then displayed in a dialog.
All locally created data must be uploaded before downloading data from the server. A warning is given if this is not the case.
Access to registered data in map portal
Premium subscribers can log in to our map portal
Tables for the different data sets can be opened by using the Temakart button. From the table one can delete, edit and create objects.